So heres the deal, when we bought our van I scoured the internet for “van bedding” and guess what I found NOTHING that was specific to our van (I was really hoping there would be something so I didn’t have to think about it). Sure there were cool ideas on how to “make a custom bed” or “boho sheik” bedding for your van but nothing tackled how the actual F I was supposed make my bed! After lots of research heres what we came up with that worked for our family.

Let’s talk bedding! I searched high and low for someone just to tell me how the hell they made their beds, I found nothing! Ultimately we use 2 queen flat sheets and a large Rumpl blanket (I add their Sherpa Fleece in the winter when we ski). We use this combo because you can easily tuck all the bedding around the edges for a tidy look and it all folds away so compact ( I keep all our sheets/pillow cases in a packing cubes, because I’m super anal and I shove it behind the bed when it’s flipped up and stowed away). Rumpl also has some really cool blanket designs to choose from, so you can’t go wrong. We went a little plain Jane with ours because we weren’t sure on what look we want for our van interior. As for the grove lounge we use one twin fitted sheet and a Rumpl blanket for the girls! The girls also bring their own favorite blankets that they snuggle with at night. We might need to come up with a different blanket solutions for them, they toss and turn so much that sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and the blanket has slid off of them and onto the floor. For pillows once again we needed something we could roll up and store away so we went with Coop Pillows. These are actually really comfortable and easy to store. I just throw a regular pillow case on these.

Ron and our daughter Cecilia picked up our van from St Louis and drove it back to Pacifica CA. During that week long trip Ron realized that the bed was really not that comfortable. When they got home from their adventure he researched custom mattress toppers and found Mattress Insider that custom makes RV mattress toppers. We got the Brookside Memory Foam Topper and it was the best decision we made. We were the first to order the custom size to the Storyteller so now Mattress Insider has the dimensions on file! If you plan on taking long family trips like we do you want to sleep comfortably you need one of these bad boys (especially when your sharing a bed with an infant)!

We use to fold our bed up each morning before breakfast. Quite frankly we found that it was too much of a hassle and it really stressed me out. Trying to fold all the bedding up and tuck it away while trying to keep 3 kids calm before making breakfast, well it was just a disaster. I dint want to feel stressed out the first thing in the morning (I mean who does?). So now I just make our bed and leave it (unless we are utilizing the space for something specific). I do put the girls bedding away because we use the groove lounge differently throughout out the day. I feel like if your traveling with small children this is the way to go. The plus side of keeping our bed out is I can keep Vinny up there out of the way while I tackle breakfast for everyone. And No, I’m not whipping up gourmet meals for breakfast it’s usually cereal, oatmeal and occasionally I’ll get fancy and make pancakes if Vinny’s not screaming.
I hope this was helpful and please feel free to message me with any questions!
I actually got a Rumpl for my birthday and love it. It is so lightweight but really warm. You can’t go wrong and so great to take camping
We’ve bought a few custom Rumpls , they’re pretty cool.