
Shannon puts the S in shenanigans! She was born and raised in Ballard WA and is currently living the beach life in Pacifica CA. She’s a wife and mother of 3 (well 4 if you count Leroy the smelly Boston Terrier) who enjoys a variety of cocktails, eating out with out her children and watching her beloved Seattle Seahawks. When she’s not busy home schooling her kids due to the pandemic, changing diapers, and pretending to make homemade baby food like a culinary genius she writing this blog about the family van and the adventures that her and posse take .

If you love to learn about crafting, home improvement ideas, home schooling lesson plans or cool Pinterest discoveries well your reading the wrong blog! Here you’ll find different ideas on how to modify your sprinter van, gear solutions, fun places to go with you crew as well as fun spots to kick back and have a cocktail or two. You’ll also get to see what things work great in your sprinter van as well as things that don’t (and trust me she’s gone through her fair share and still counting).

Don’t forget to follow all the shenanigans on Instagram as well @vanninshenanigans

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